This course is delivered as a two day workshop including theory, practical and a test (15 hours).
There are no pre requisites for this qualification.
What will I need to pay?
Price: $130
Pay directly with our Account Department
You can arrange to make your fee payments directly with our Accounts 48 Joseph St
LIDCOMBE NSW 2141 by Cash, EFTPOS or credit card, or do a online bank transfer (EFT) to the following bank account:
Account Name: Building Institute NSW
Bank Name:
Branch Number (BSB):
Account Number:
Fee Refund Policy
Any fees paid prior to the commencement of a course are refundable upon withdrawal from the course minus the administration charge. If a student withdraws from a course once training has commenced no refunds are given. Please refer to the fees and refunds policy and procedures on our website at
Nationally Accredited Training
Telephone: 1300 412 359
First Point of Contact:
Office Hours: 9.00 am to 5.00 pm Monday to Friday excluding public holidays